But in a good way. In the spirit of COA-eco awareness, we have been recycling glass and creating a delightful blue color to work with. It has been super fun, and the students seem to like it as well.
Most important in this posting I want to thank everyone who helped make our season opening such a huge success!! It was a sell out day, a day to connect with our community and spread the word about Ellsworth Arts, and the great energy we have percolating here at Atlantic Art Glass.
Thank you to the mandolin and guitar players, the cookie maker, Julie Greenberg, and the cookie eaters who managed to devour dozens of chocolate, white chocolate chunk, hazelnut yummers, thank you to our glass divas, Jodie Perry and Katie Dube, who packed tons of glass into recycled bags for the multitude of customers who made off with some real treasures. Thank you to the parents of our students who came to encourage the creativity and daring of their glass blowing children in my charge during this beginning glassblowing class, and thank you to the glass gods who shine down upon us as we share what we love with those who are interested. I am sorry to say we have no pictures of the sunny event since we were having too much darn fun to stop and think about it, guess you just needed to be there, maybe next time....