Sunday, April 22, 2012

Having a Blast and Cutting Loose!-COA Spring Term Weeks 3/4.

Blowing. Blasting. Cutting.
 The techniques just keep coming!
 After 1 month together in the studio, the class has reached the sweet spot. The gooey center of the class where the baby steps have been taken and we can set our sights on our creative goals. Last week we began to add cold working techniques to the mix. 
First up, Sand Blasting. 
Get some bottles.
Apply a resist.
Fire up the blasting cabinet and see what happens!

Next, cutting.We fired up the glass bandsaw and deconstructed some bottles. 

And of course everyone has been developing their blowing skills. In week 4, everyone learned how to bring a punty.

If we needed any more proof that this is a great group of students, they provided it for us last week by baking Linda a birthday cake!

For more photos and info check out our FB page.

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