In all these photos we get to see how everyone is working with such grace and confidence helping each other to further the cause
Bit by Bit students are gaining skills in the studio. Important team working efforts are producing sparkly fruitful interesting glass.
Marco works the glass into a very refined shape.
The peanut gallery watches and cheers the gaffer on, always ready to help in a moments notice. Especially with advice on what to do next....urging "keep it on center"!!
Group work in the form of hot glass bit applications are quick, fun and a lively way to do multiple bit applications on a single piece.
Joslyn brings a bit at one point, then takes the not so itty bitty piece and becomes the gaffer, next she sits at the bench and gets a bit from the next student, Nora.
This kind of rotation reminds me of basketball drills in gym class!
Everyone gets a chance to practice the new move.
Finally after everyone has brought and put a bit on the ungainly piece, it is opened up into the final shape.
The next set of images show Austin working on a large bubble. He is working on components for his final project, a glass sculpture due at the end of the course.
Nora assists Austin while he uses the jacks to open the piece.
After Nora helps Austin she requires a little assistance herself and
Erica helps her shape some heavy nearly solid glass "blocks".

In all these photos we get to see how everyone is working with such grace and confidence helping each other to further the cause. Harmony of purpose, the excitement of working with this "dangerous" material, and the joy of increased skill- "more more more" we clamor for more of this wonderful experience!
Luckily we have 3 more weeks together...